Build #10 (Windows)

░░░ DEMO #10 - FEB 2020 ░░░

//  Additions

• Exits can now spawned in locked rooms 

    • Find the appropriate keycard somewhere on the same level!

• A feedback form - please do use it, we highly appreciate any feedback/bug reports

//  Changes

• Removed unused packages (including Unity Analytics). This can reduce the build size a bit.
• The "attack info view" element (the thing you see when Looking around) has gained some neat visual effects.
• The ammo counter on the left-hand side of the screen now uses a neat graphic.
• Added a swanky UI fade-out to the start of the game.

//  Under the hood / Bug fixes  

• Pathfinding performance improvements, especially for the final level • Fixed countdown (i.e. the Drone explosion) showing on top of UI

• Refactored map generation - this is a big 'un, although it shouldn't change much from the player perspective. 

    • Technical info: it's now a very ECS-y "module", not a few huge classes that do everything.
• L10n with code-generation. Maybe another topic to write about? Code generation is cool, to me. 

    • This potentially allows for translating the majority of the game, although we are not focusing (or even thinking) about it at the moment.
• Some in-editor tools rewritten using Unity's UIElements system. 

    • Holy-moly, it's so much nicer than IMGUI! Do try it out if you are developing your own stuff in Unity. 

    • Time to become a full-stack Unity developer.
• Entity health-checking should now be more stable - thanks for reporting, itch user CTRL+FU.
• Fixed various issues with the Tutorial.
• REP round properly reloads using Explosives.
• Migrated to Unity 2019.3.


Windows Demo [build #14, August 2020] 45 MB
Version 1 Feb 09, 2020
Linux Demo [build #10, early February 2020] 45 MB
Feb 11, 2020
Mac Demo [build #10, early February 2020] 41 MB
Feb 11, 2020

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