Build #14 (Windows)

░░░ DEMO #14 - AUG 2020 ░░░ Windows build out now, Mac & Linux builds coming up in a hot minute (read: this week)

// Additions

  • Input rebinding
    • It’s in an unpolished state, but it’s something. Useful for seeing all keybindings, at the very least!
    • Controller key sprites are also now in the game, which feels related.
    • Resetting to default is there as a fallback too.
  • Camera zoom
    • Maybe you want to make those sprites bigger and chunkier? You can now do that.
    • Mouse scroll wheel - or from the options.

// Quality-of-life/changes

  • Tweaks to loot drops & monster balance.
    • Some of the monsters you’ll raaaarely encounter have fancy new abilities!
  • Lots of tweaks to language that’s used in the game.
    • Some of it is just clearing up spelling errors.
    • And some of it is more interesting writing.
    • And perhaps most importantly - some of it is more clear writing.
    • The kind of writing that reflects the state of the game, and expected behavior for the player.
  • “Is better/worse” arrows for item prefixes & materials when comparing items.
    • Did you know that Rubyweave is 2 steps above Chromalite? Well, you do now.
  • Continued work on things from the previous changelog:
    • Playing with a mouse is now friendlier, more UI is clickable.
    • Improved scaling/support for non-1080p resolutions
  • Just a whole lot of UX improvements.
    • For example teleporting (find that module!) should be way clearer now.
      • Module usage in general got a lot of love.
    • A bunch of new “you couldn’t do this and here’s why” messages in the combat log.

// Under the hood

  • A bunch of various bug fixes.
  • Cool nerdy stuff for loading Entities with parameters
  • Some cool stuff with Entitas & codegen.


Windows Demo [build #14, August 2020] 45 MB
Version 6 Aug 25, 2020

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Awesome! Been waiting for this. Looking forward to giving it a try.

Yay, hope it goes well for you (less buggy, fingers crossed)